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“Great Day” Friday 01/17/2025*
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“Great Day” Thursday 01/16/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 01-16-25 Thursday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Wednesday 01/15/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 01-15-25 Wednesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Tuesday 01/14/2025*
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“Great Day” Monday 01/13/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 01-13-25 Monday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Sunday 01/12/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 01-12-25 Sunday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Saturday 01/11/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 01-11-25 Saturday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day Presents” Week of 01/12/2025
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The Chapel Quotes
“Jesus was able to have a posture of love without sacrificing what is true. The person who desires to follow Jesus is going to be committed to following Him in both position and posture. The Church is meant to be a hospital not a hospice. A hospital is a place people go when they recognize they are sick and in need of healing. Hospice exists to mask the pain and to keep people comfortable. We have a problem in the realm of sexual integrity as well as in the realm of sexual condemnation. Everyone who passes judgment on another condemns oneself.”
“When it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ there is no ‘us’ and ‘them’. The ground is flat at the foot of the cross. So often the tendency is for the religious to prop themselves up on their own self-righteousness. We are all sinners in need of a Savior and His grace. Sexual purity is the mental, visual, emotional and physical intimacy between one man and one woman in the context of marriage. God is not only about the business of forgiving sin, but also transforming sinners. Your body is not your own to do whatever you want, you were bought with a price so glorify God with your body. Our predisposition does not give us permission to give in and do whatever we feel like doing. Kindness does not mean condoning.”
To access complete messages from The Chapel click to go to The Chapel website.
“Christian Stylings In Ivory” by composer-musician Don Krueger
To hear the complete 15-minute program click > on the sound bar above.
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Devotion 01/12/2025
Our Devotion, “Plotlines” is by Tom Vick a professional writing major at Taylor University and book reviewer for Church Libraries and Christian Book Previews.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Some people have to read the ending of a story. They just can’t wait. Of course, the habit of looking at the ending spoils the fun of watching a story’s characters grow, but some people can supposedly die of anticipation. Others just get a little lost and wonder why in the world they are reading the book in the first place. But just reading one sentence on the last page can often bring the curiosity back to the reader as he presses on through the writer’s humdrum antics, a long country road called plot.
Unlike a novel we buy at the dime store, we aren’t allowed to look at our own story’s ending. We can set goals, make plans, anticipate needs, and even save for a rainy day, but only God holds time and tide in His hands. The omnipotent author has a happy ending in store for those who believe in his message.
PRAYER: Lord, you are the author of our stories, and even though we want to see the ending, we trust your wisdom and have faith in your mastery of our lives.
Book Review 01/15/2025
This Book Review is by Kassidy Weemhoff, a Professional Writing Major at Taylor University.
A Pair of Miracles: A Story of Autism, Faith, and Determined Parenting
By Karla Akins
Kregel Publications, PB, 219 pages
Karla Akins and her husband adopted premature twin boys, Isaiah and Isaac, when they were only a few days old. As the boys grew, she noted certain distinct signs of abnormality in the way the boys functioned. Eventually they were diagnosed with autism, an event that changed Akins’s life. In this moving testimony, Akins shares her winding journey through motherhood and, more specifically, being the mother of children with autism. Opening each chapter with a Bible verse, she continually incorporates faith into the story of loss, frustration, redemption, and restoration. Akins develops a multi-faceted story that is both inspiring and informative through a rotation of testimony, relation to faith, and discussion about autism. Dispersed throughout the book and compiled into a list of appendices at the end are tips and resources that would be beneficial to parents or grandparents who have questions about their autistic loved ones. This concise, organized book with a well-thought-out plot and clear voice offers an in-depth look into God’s hand in every situation.
Karla Akins turned to God for strength in the unknown, full of raw grief and confusion. Every Christian has experienced feeling far from God and the frustration that comes with that feeling. Akins beautifully shares her spiritual journey–one of incredible restoration–and the process of being a lost mother guided by Christ. This testimony of God’s faithfulness can comfort readers in the complicated processes of life. There will be times of strife and turmoil in life, but God can use these times for good and for growth. Living with special needs is far from easy, and Akins readily admits that fact. It is in this confession that she sees God’s hand at work even in the most restless of times, inspiring readers to seek God amidst the challenges.
Review used by permission of Evangelical Church Library Association (ECLA)
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