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“Great Day” Friday 02/07/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-07-25 Friday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Thursday 02/06/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-06-25 Thursday 3.06 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Wednesday 02/05/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-05-25 Wednesday 2.51 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Tuesday 02/04/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-04-25 Tuesday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Monday 02/03/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-03-25 Monday 2.53 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Sunday 02/02/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-02-25 Sunday 2.45 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day” Saturday 02/01/2025*
To open or download this program click Great Day 02-01-25 Saturday 2.50 and select ‘Save Link’.
“Great Day Presents” Week of 02/02/2025
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The Chapel Quotes
“One of the most spiritual acts we will ever do as Jesus’ followers is our part in thawing icy relationships, the way we interact with each other handling disputes, disagreements and hurt feelings. Jesus prayed that we would be one, so that the world would look at us and believe in Him. The bar is being raised on how we treat others and what Christian ethics looks like. In our icy relationships there is an opportunity to open up possibilities for us to meet basic needs. Jesus says love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. You can never force a person to do the right thing, but hating them is never going to wake them up and motivate them to do the right thing. You have the ability to do the right thing by loving them. Loving does not mean liking. By loving your enemies you begin to act like God does. Loving your enemies means praying for them. There is perhaps no more costly form of Christian obedience that runs more powerfully against human intuition than the principle of non-retaliation. Giving up the right to get even takes patience, a posture of giving it over to God in His timing and in His way.”
To access complete messages from The Chapel click to go to The Chapel website.
“Christian Stylings In Ivory” by composer-musician Don Krueger
To hear the complete 15-minute program click > on the sound bar above.
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Devotion 02/02/2025
Our Devotion, “Faith Hall of Fame” is by Samantha Stevens a student of professional writing at Taylor University. She is a scriptwriter for WBCL radio and book reviewer for Christian Book Previews.
Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
I enjoy visiting halls of fame. There seems to be one for one for every kind of fan: sports, television, theater and arts. I was even surprised to discover a polka music hall of fame. We have a sense of respect for those who have worked hard, sometimes overcoming great obstacles to make breakthrough discoveries or set world records.
When the church speaks of heroes of the faith, we tend to have a similar mindset, placing people such as Moses, David or Paul on a pedestal. We become so in awe of their closeness with God and gifts as believers, we tend to dismiss our own abilities as Christians. It seems impossible to reach these high standards, believing we could never part a sea, defeat a giant, or survive a night in a den of lions.
But this isn’t why their stories are told. These people of faith are not meant to intimidate but inspire. When we read of Joshua’s victory over Jericho with trumpets, we read of the strength that God provides in times of need. When we hear of Paul’s miraculous healings, we hear of the grace Christ provides to perform great works in His name. When the church declares heroes of the faith, we know we are marked with a belief that inspires us to do great things as well.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to be inspired by people of faith and know that we can do great things in Your name.
Book Review 02/05/2025
This Book Review is by Aubree DeVisser, a professional writing major at Taylor University.
Stronger Than the Struggle
By Havilah Cunnington
Nelson Books, PB, 206 pages
Stronger Than the Struggle is an informational book on how to simplify your spiritual battles. Cunnington uses personal experience as well as scriptural references to assist her readers in winning everyday battles waged between God and the enemy, often with the Christian caught in the middle. Battles against pride, lust, envy, deceit, and jealousy are common, but they can be confronted through prayer, spiritual discipline, belief, and trust.
Cunningham presents authentic, real-life examples of steps to take to better understand what spiritual warfare looks like. She is not afraid to use her failures, disappointments, or misunderstandings to help the reader comprehend the idea of fighting the good fight each day. The author explains the motives of the enemy, as well as how to recognize ongoing temptations, and how to be diligent in finding the weapons from God that enable a daily ability to win the battle. Something the author stresses is that God has a plan for everyone’s life, and this means there is a way to have a healthy spiritual life. She offers options to gain clarity and to live a life of strength and confidence, knowing that God’s way can bring victory.
Because the book uses illustrations, anecdotes, examples, and stories, it is not preachy or stilted. Although backed by biblical comparisons, these modern lessons are pragmatic, insightful, and nonthreatening. Havilah Cunnington provides clarity in understanding spiritual warfare. She shows the importance of recognizing the enemy and allowing God to fight on your behalf, as well as give you weapons for winning. This book looks at the topic of spiritual battles using scripture, as well as real-life experiences, that most Christians can relate to.
Review used by permission of Evangelical Church Library Association (ECLA)
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